Thursday, March 17, 2016

Virtusa interview questioniors for senior developers

1. What is the difference between shallow copy and deep copy?
2. what is the use of generated in hibernate and what exactly the native is?
3. What are all the collections mapping and association mappings in hibernate?
4. What is the use of hibernate.cfg.xml?
5. In parent child relationship, which annotation is used to affect the changes from parent to child.
6. What is the syntax of cascade annotation?
7. How do you handle sessionfactory in hibernate?
8. What are all the relationships are exists in hibernate?
9. What are all the scopes availabe in spring?
10. What is prototype Scope?
11. How do you handle prorotype scope in singleton bean?
12. What is lamda expressions?
13. What is the difference between jdk 6 and jdk 7?
14. What is spring boot and groovy, gradle in spring?
15. Difference between servlet and jsp?
16. What are all the design patterns you have used in your project?
17. What is singleton design pattern and write the code for that pattern
18. What is ConcurrentModificationException?
19. What is the difference between Enumeration and  Iterator?
20. What is fail-fast and fail-safe iterator?

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